Root canal therapy to treat a tooth is much different than years past. Modern dental instruments and techniques give dentists more sophisticated ways to treat teeth in need of endodontic or root canal therapy. Patients can now get the procedure done in just one pain-free visit.
Let's take a look at some on the new technology.
A. Modern anesthetics allow for easier numbing of the entire tooth. More fearful patients can request nitrous oxide.
B. High-torque motor hand pieces are faster and enable dentist to better shape root canals.
C. Ultra sonic instruments vibrate to clean the root before a filling is placed.
D. Modern digital x-rays allow a dentist with less radiation to develop immediate x-rays to check the status of a tooth.
E. Apex locators help a dentist to clean and fill a tooth to the very end of the root. The instrument measures the root and finds the apex with sound waves, help guiding the dentist, so infection is not left behind.
F. Dentists use a medicated rinse sodium hypochlorite to wash away leftover debris and infection. A tooth is then dried with paper points, absorbent paper files.
G. Filling material, Gutta percha is used to fill and seal the tooth from reinfection.
Other than extraction, sometimes a root canal is the only treatment for a badly decayed,
toothaches or infected tooth. Root canals in the past have had a bad reputation of being painful, when actually it is usually no worse than having a filling replaced. The procedure doesn't cause pain, it relieves it. Saving your natural teeth, when possible is always the best course of action in a
dental emergency.
+Kirk Kimmerling DDS and
+Verde Pointe Dental Associates want to help you understand a root canal and the lastest technology available.