When will my baby start teething so I'm prepared, asks many new mothers? Most babies usually start the teething process between four and seven months says Marietta dentist. Early bloomers can see a tooth appear as early as three months and for late bloomers, it's almost a year. In rare cases, a child is born with a tooth already erupted. Teeth start developing while the fetus is still in the womb as little tooth buds sitting right below the gums. After the child is born, it takes many months for all baby teeth to come in, which can unfortunately be very uncomfortable for the child. In most cases, the first two teeth appear in the front on the bottom, then the front two on the top usually come in. The rest will follow, but not in any specific order. Don't stress if they aren't coming in straight because these are their first set of teeth that eventually the child will lose. The last teeth to appear are the back molars. Most children have molars and all twenty baby teeth by the age of three. The child usually keeps their baby teeth until around the age of six, where the permanent teeth start pushing through. The second set of teeth called "permanent" are the teeth they will keep life long.
Here are some symptoms of teething;
1. Sleep problems
2. Biting or nibbling on anything they can get their little hands on.
3. Not eating
4. Fussiness, whining or irritability
5. Swollen or Sensitive gums
6. Drooling
7. Some cases babies can spike a fever right before the tooth pushes through
Babies go through a lot their first year of life and teething is just one of the developments. As awful as teething seems there are some ways to help alleviate baby's pain. Below is a list of a few safe helpful tricks.......
1. Ice a towel for baby to put in their mouths
2. Frozen teething ring can help numb the gums while they gnaw it
3. Massage their gums with your finger
4. Get a teething biscuit for them to gnaw on
5. Cold applesauce is cold on the gums and tasty
6. Try a children's pain reliever like Tylenol, etc.
7. Try Orajel (or something like it) to numb their gums. It usually works for about thirty-five to forty-five minutes of relief.
8. Frozen fruit pieces which are soothing and tasty
9. Rubbing vanilla extract onto the gums. Its warming and has a calming effect.
10. Clove oil although potent is very soothing as you would rub it onto their gums. You only need a few drops which you would dilute with water before applying.
Although teething can be a very stressful time for you and baby, it's important to understand your baby hurts. Try to make your baby as comfortable as possible, or it will only make it harder for you. The tips above are some safe ways to try to alleviate discomfort for a happy teething baby. Once your baby's teeth are in, you will be happy to see how much your baby is growing and developing says Marietta, GA Cosmetic Dentist.
Kirk Kimmerling DDS is a Marietta cosmetic dentist at Verde Pointe Dental Associates that is passionate about every patient's dental health. Let Dr. Kimmerling help you have the smile you've always desired. He offers a full range of services from teeth whitening, dental veneers, root canals, extractions, crowns, bridges, dentures, dental implants, implant crowns, implant bridges, Kor teeth whitening, Zoom dental whitening, emergency dentistry, cosmetic dentistry
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