Canker sores can be very painful sores inside the mouth. Sores are small ulcers and can make eating or
even talking very uncomfortable. They
may flair up on the tongue, roof of mouth or inside the cheeks. There is usually a sore tingly feeling before
sore flairs up. The sores are usually
round, gray or white with a bright red border.
Tissue injury and stress are thought to be the main causes sore
appear. Citrus and acidic food sometimes
trigger sores to appear or make matters worse is already infected.
Dental and orthodontic work can irritate
mouth and gum tissue that sometimes lead to a sore. Sore can also be caused by a low immune
system. Low iron, b-12, zinc and folic
acid can cause health condition leading a sores being a possible side effect. Severe
cases of sores can lead to conditions such as swollen lymph nodes and a
fever. Untreated sores can take a week
or two to heal. If severe and persists,
your dentist can prescribe medication or give ideas of over the counter
products to use. There are
anti-microbial mouth wash and corticosteroid ointment over the counter that
your dentist can give instruction on how to use to limit pain. If the sore are unusually big, last longer
than 3 weeks, terrible intolerable pain, high fever, difficulty drinking
fluids, more than one sore, it’s very important to contact your dentist. There is no cure for sores and re-occurrence
but there are ways to try avoid getting them.
If prone to sores, try to avoid acidic and citrus or spicy foods. Proper daily hygiene is important to keeping
bacteria low that could trigger a sore.
Brushing and flossing daily are vital to maintaining low bacteria levels
in the mouth. Sores can be hard on your
health considering the length of time they usually take to heal. Taking care or oral hygiene and proper
nutrition can help prevent sores from appearing.
Marietta cosmetic dentist, +Kirk Kimmerling DDS does a special prescription mouth rinse that can help. Call and schedule an appointment, as he can help.
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