Friday, September 18, 2015

Keeping your teeth white by voiding these foods and habits

Did you just recently whitening your teeth? Are you determined to keep those pearly whites? Or are you interested in professional teeth whitening? It can be normal for teeth to become stained or discolored, even with proper oral hygiene and care. If you have stains on your teeth that are getting in the way of your beautiful smile, then fight back
Here are some foods that stain your teeth:

  1.   Red Wine- it’s an acidic beverage that contains tannins, known for staining teeth.
  2.    Tea – just like wine, it contains tannins. You should stick with herbal green and white teas          instead of black teas.
  3.    Coffee –although, it’s low in tannins, it contains chromogens, also known for staining teeth.
  4.  Cola Drinks – it’s an acidic beverage that contains chromogens. Even light colored colas can stain your teeth. Most carbonated beverages have similar acidity to battery acid and it promotes staining. 
  5. Sport Drinks – it’s a high acidic beverage that softens up your enamel and it sets the stage for staining.
  6.  Berries – strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and cranberries are all intensely colored fruits that cause stains.
  7.  Sauces – tomato sauce, curry sauce, soy sauce also contain dark colors that cause stains.
  8. Candies – if your tongue turns a funny color then chances are your teeth will too.  Besides, eating candies allows you more prone to dental cavities.

Here are some habits that can help keep your teeth bright:
1.       Brush, Floss and Rinse
2.       Drink with a straw
3.       Swish with water after drinking or eating high-staining foods
4.       Don’t smoke
5.       Whitening your teeth professionally
6.       Use take-home professional whitening kits

Professional teeth whitening are generally safer than those bought online or in a store because not everything is approved by the American Dental Association (there’s usually a good reason for that). However, professional teeth whitening kits aren’t for everyone and should always be consulted with your dentist first. If you have sensitive teeth, gum disease, dental cavities, or excessive white spots on your teeth then those need to be addressed prior to any whitening.

 Our Marietta Dentist, Kirk Kimmerling DDS, Suzanna Aguilera DMD, and Garrick McGrath DMD invite you to learn more about teeth whitening and how to get the smile you always dreamed of. Please contact our office at 770-423-4900 or schedule an appointment for a consultation. 

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