Monday, December 29, 2014

Sonicare Toothbrush Winner Announced Benefiting the Tigg Neuter Project Shelter Pets

The dental office of +Verde Pointe Dental Associates and cosmetic dentists, +Kirk Kimmerling DDS +Suzanna Aguilera DMD and Garrick McGrath DMD have announced the winner of the Philips DiamondClean Sonicare Toothbrush Raffle.
Tickled Pink to Win!

Congratulations to the lucky winner, Cherylann Shaughnessy for purchasing raffle tickets benefiting the +TIgg Neuter Project, a local Cobb County group of citizens tired of adoptable animals die because there isn't space at the animal shelters and no one steps forward to adopt them.  

Tigg Neuter recognizes that that intake numbers continue to rise, and the only solution is to have less animals coming into animal control by spaying and neutering pets in the local community.

The Tigg Neuter Project helps educate the public while providing low-cost/no-cost vetting options. 

The Tigg Neuter Project is working with vets in Cobb County such as +Marietta Vet Clinic and +Julian Peckich DVM who wish to stop the numbers. These vets are providing opportunities for spay/neuters at an affordable fees.

On behalf of the Tigg Neuter Project, Verde Pointe Dental Associates, Marietta Vet Clinic, we ask everyone to be a responsible pet owner by spaying and neutering your animal. The Tigg Neuter Project is under "half the way home" who has 501c3 status.  All donations are tax deductible. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Verde Pointe Dental T-Shirt Winner Announced

The staff at +Verde Pointe Dental Associates know how to have a good time.  Four teams were created to develop a "Fun Friday T-shirt" with patients voting for the one they liked the most.

Team +Suzanna Aguilera won by five votes, although team +Kirk Kimmerling was a close second.
We Win says two Dental Assistants!
The winning slogan was, "Don't be Dirty, Come to Verde!"  Getting a dental cleaning, at least twice a year is important, not only to your mouth, but your overall health.  Bacteria resides in the mouth that can enter the bloodstream to create havoc on the body.  The dentists at the Marietta dental office want patients to understand the importance of keeping your mouth healthy.

The contest was to raise awareness to the importance of keeping a mouth healthy, cavity free, and periodontal healthy.  The staff will wear the t-shirts to help the effort.  

The Marietta cosmetic dentists are accepting new patients to the practice by offering a New Patient $100 coupon to cover deductibles, and out of pocket co-pays.  Insurance accepted and filed on behalf of the patient.  

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Are Cosmetic Dental Fillings Right for You?

Many have asked the question: Are cosmetic white dental fillings right for me?

Let's explore some facts.

Silver fillings, amalgams and metal fillings are all the same.  If you have any, chances are that they have been there for a long time.

Many older silver fillings have cracks, splits, chips, gaps, rough edges and decay, many times
Silver Fillings Can be Replaced with White Fillings
indicating a need for replacement.  As long as there is enough healthy tooth structure left, a white filling is a good replacement.

White fillings, tooth colored fillings, composite resins are all the same. The white fillings can greatly improve a smile, as they are indistinguishable to the untrained eye. They not only look better, but are just as durable.

White fillings are not just for repairing a tooth, the material can be used to improve the cosmetics of a tooth.They can be used for people without naturally perfect smiles.  Gaps, rough edges, and uneven surfaces many times can be improved with white filling material.  Our cosmetic dentists perform every procedure with the goal of improving the look of a tooth and smile.

+Verde Pointe Dental Associates are happy to help people that want to improve their smile. Drs. +Kirk Kimmerling DDS +Suzanna Aguilera DMD and Garrick McGrath DMD are dedicated to making beautiful smiles.