Monday, July 21, 2014

A Toothbrush Must Read

Taking proper care of your toothbrush is important to your overall health, according to Maria L. Geisinger,
DDS, assistant professor of periodontology in the School of Dentistry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.  Staphylococci, coliforms, pseudomonads, yeasts and even intestinal bacteria can become present on a toothbrush. Appropriate care and storage should be a main concern.

Let's take a look at protecting yourself.

1. Toothbrushes are not required to be packaged in a sterile manner, immediately requiring sterilization.
Soaking your toothbrush in Listerine or an antibacterial mouth rinse when new will reduce the levels of bacterial.

2. Remember to change out your toothbrush after an illness, or soak it in mouth rinse.  It is possible to reinfect yourself with your toothbrush.

3. Toothbrushes should be replaced if possible every three months, if not every month.  If your bristles have become frayed or bent you are past the time when your toothbrush should be replaced.

4. Wash your hands after using the rest room.  Fecal contamination of toothbrushes is more common that you may think.  Enteric bacteria from intestines can be released from the toilet in microscopic airborne droplets or on your hands, both able to infect a toothbrush.

5. Never share a toothbrush.  Your mouth does not need a foreign bacteria introduced.

+Verde Pointe Dental Associates +Suzanna Aguilera and +Kirk Kimmerling DDS are happy to offer tips on toothbrush care. New patients welcome at the Marietta cosmetic dentist office.

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